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患者女,17岁。体重59kg,因单纯型性腺发育不全于2000年1月24日人院。住院后,在硬膜外麻醉下行性腺切除术,手术过程顺利。术后为预防感染,静脉输注左旋氧氟沙星注射液,每日200ml(0.4g)。第1天未见任何不适,第2天输入100ml后,患者突然感觉周身不适,肌肉紧张,继之双目强迫上视,出汗多。查体:P 134次/min,R 20次/min,BP 135/90mmHg,神志清,回答准确,面色稍红,口唇红润,双眼强迫向上凝视,不可闭合,心律齐,双肺呼吸音清,四肢肌张力稍强。追问病史,患者否认有癫痫等相关病史。停用左氧氟沙星后,给地西泮(安定)10mg入小壶,用药后患者安静入睡,症状全部消失。2h后再次出现周身不适,轻度弓角反张。查体:P 117次/min,BP 112/75mmHg,无肌肉紧张,再次给安定 5mg入小壶,症状缓解,病情平稳。停药后改用青霉素,未再出现类似反应。 Female patient, 17 years old. Weight 59kg, due to simple gonadal insufficiency in January 24, 2000 hospital. After hospitalization, gonadectomy was performed under epidural anesthesia and the procedure was completed smoothly. Postoperative to prevent infection, intravenous infusion of levofloxacin injection, daily 200ml (0.4g). The first day without any discomfort, the first two days after the input 100ml, the patient suddenly felt discomfort, muscle tension, followed by binocular forced on the visual, sweating and more. Examination: P 134 times / min, R 20 times / min, BP 135 / 90mmHg, clear mind, accurate answer, looking slightly red, red lips, eyes forced upward gaze, can not be closed, Limb muscle tension slightly stronger. Asked history, patients deny epilepsy and other related medical history. After the disabled levofloxacin, to diazepam (stability) 10mg into the small pot, the patient fell asleep after treatment, the symptoms disappeared. 2h after another body discomfort, slight bow angle anti-Zhang. Examination: P 117 times / min, BP 112 / 75mmHg, no muscle tension, and then to stability 5mg into the small pot, the symptoms ease, the disease was stable. After switching to penicillin, did not appear similar reaction.
目的 了解腓骨短肌血供的解剖学特征,探讨临床应用腓骨短肌肌瓣和以腓骨短肌为蒂的组织瓣内移修复踝周软组织缺损或治疗胫骨骨不连的可行性. 方法 30例经10%福尔马林同定的成
小脑发育不良性神经节细胞瘤一直被临床医生和研究人员视为颅内特发小脑的罕见病变.早在1920年,Lhermitte 和Duclos首次报道了该病,所以国外文献多称之为Lhermitte-Duclos病.之后多年,由于该病在发病机制、遗传学特性以及性质认识上存在较大争议,所以出现了浦肯野细胞瘤、发育不良性节细胞瘤、小脑颗粒细胞增生、有髓神经细胞瘤等称谓.目前,学者们称该病为小脑发育不良性神经节细胞瘤.
AIM: The current study was to determine the serum/plasma levels of VEGF, IL-6, malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO), PCT and CRP in gastric carcinoma and co
AIM: To investigate the effect of transfected survivin antisense oligonucleotide (ASODN) on proliferation and apoptosis of gastric cancer cells.METHODS: The aut