,Genetic variation of the genus Kengyilia by ISSR markers

来源 :中国高等学校学术文摘·生物学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fslihua
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We investigated the genetic variation within 32 accessions distributed to 14 species and one variety by using ISSR (inter-simple sequence repeat) markers.The results showed that genetic variation was relatively higher among the accessions.A total of 593 bands were amplified by 12 ISSR primers,of which 535 bands (90.2%) were polymorphic.Eleven to 80 polymorphie bands were amplified from each prime,with an average of 44.6 bands.The interspecies GS (genetic similarity)value ranged from 0.430 to 0.866,and the average was 0.620.Cluster analysis showed that all accessions could be classified into 4 groups by ISSR markers.The different accessions in a species were clustered together,but they had genetic variation in molecular levels.There was obvious interspecies genetic variation.Species with similar morphological characteristics and from the same areas or neighboring geographical regions were clustered together and had close relationships.ISSR markers are useful in analyzing interspecies variation in Kengyilia.
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