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岁月倥偬,掐指算来,与《剧本》已有19年的缘份了,几乎和我当编剧的资历一样长。按说源远流长,情份不浅,可至今与《剧本》的同仁们大多只属神交,少有往来。惟与扬雪英,每年给她发张贺年片,也仅是“秀才人情纸半张”的意思。人的一生中。有许多事会淡忘,也有一些事因着时间的过滤,越加清晰。记得那年调入上海越剧院不久,揣着刚完成的剧本《深宫怨》,匆匆赶去福建观摩戏剧展演。踏上火车巧与杨雪英同行,她自我介绍说是中国剧协《剧本》的人。惭愧!当初对戏剧圈两眼一抹黑的我,根本就不知道何为“剧协”,也没看过《剧本》。何况杨雪英只是淡淡道来,毫无显山露水之意。因着当兵十年,存下了爱听北京话的情结,交谈中觉得雪英姐的一口北京话煞是好听,又极和蔼诚挚,便将《深宫怨》交给了她。福建,我的第二故乡。一生中15至25岁最好的年华,在那里的海军部队度过。这回观摩,除了看戏自然就是约会战友了,朝朝夕夕,兴奋之余,早忘了剧本这档子事儿了。回沪前甚至都没想到去和雪英姐道别一声。时隔不 Years old, pinch refers to count, and the “script” has 19 years fate, almost as long as I and the qualifications of screenwriter. According to that goes back to ancient times, the situation is not superficial, but so far with the “script” of my colleagues are mostly divine, little dealings. However, with Yang Xueying, each year a new year for her hair, but also only “scholarly human half a meaning of paper.” People’s life. There are many things to forget, there are some things because of time filtering, the clearer. I remember that year transferred to the Shanghai Yue Theater, Chuaizhuo just finished the script “deep palace resentment”, rushed to Fujian to watch theatrical performances. Embark on the train clever and Yang Xueying counterparts, she introduced himself as the Chinese drama “script” person. Ashamed! I had a blackened look at the theater twice, did not know what the “Association”, have not seen the “script.” Moreover, Yang Xueying just pale, there is no significant meaning of dew. Because of being a soldier for ten years, she had a love affair for listening to Beijing dialect. When she was in her conversation, she felt that she was very nice and sincere, and gave her “deep grudges.” Fujian, my second hometown. The best years of his life, 15 to 25, where the naval forces spend it. This time to observe, in addition to watching the game is a natural dating comrades, toward the eve of the night, while excited, I forgot the script this file thing. Did not even think of before going back to Shanghai and British sister say goodbye cry. Not after
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