世界500强企业之一——中国石油化工股份布限公司为推动我国汽车露营文化,携手国家体育总局及其所属单位,于8月15日至29 日共同举办“中国石化2004年丝绸之路国际汽车露营文化交流大会”。 发车仪式在北京举行,途经西安、天水、兰州、西宁、青海湖、德令哈、敦煌、哈密、吐鲁番,直抵乌鲁木齐,行程5000公里。活动邀请了澳大利亚、加拿大、意大利、西班牙、德国、斯诺文尼亚、日本、韩国等驻华使节参与,还邀请了部分喜爱汽车露营的知名人士、外国留学生、新闻媒体人员全程体验露营生活。
One of the world’s top 500 companies - China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation Limited cloth To promote China’s auto camping culture, work together with the State Sports General Administration and its affiliates, co-organized from August 15 to 29, “Sinopec 2004 Silk Road International Car camping cultural exchange conference. ” The departure ceremony took place in Beijing and passed through Xi’an, Tianshui, Lanzhou, Xining, Qinghai Lake, Delingha, Dunhuang, Hami and Turpan and arriving at Urumqi for 5,000 kilometers. The event invited Chinese diplomatic envoys from Australia, Canada, Italy, Spain, Germany, Slovenia, Japan and South Korea to participate in the event. Some celebrities, foreign students and media personnel invited to camp were also invited to experience camping activities.