黄鳝是一种味道鲜美,且营养价值很高的淡水鱼类。它具有食性广、适应性强,生长快的特点。在当前淡水资源缺乏的情况下,发展黄鳝养殖不失为发展淡水养殖业的一种很好途径。 以前,我地一些农户曾进行过黄鳝养殖的尝试。在鳝池建设,防治病害方面积累了一些经验。但也有的农户在一些主要环节上操作失当,导致病害发生。总结经验教训,我们体会
Eel is a delicious freshwater fish with high nutritional value. It has broad food habits, adaptability, fast growth characteristics. In the current lack of freshwater resources, the development of eel farming is a good way to develop freshwater aquaculture. In the past, some of my peasants had experimented with eel farming. Eel pond construction, prevention and treatment of diseases has accumulated some experience. However, some farmers also mishandled in some major aspects, causing the disease to occur. Lessons learned, we understand