美国专家:睡眠瘦身法 汤、糖、躺、烫,几乎被公认为使人发胖的4大元凶。其中,吃饱就睡更是导致肥胖的原因之一。可是目前一种被称为“瘦身最后机会”的睡眠瘦身法从日本席卷到了世界各地,“瘦身睡眠”,是怎么回事? 研究认为,导致身体发胖的主要原因是体内生长激素分泌不足。生长激素是人体自行分泌的一种天然激素,只在夜间睡眠时分泌,尤其是在入睡90分钟以后分泌量最旺盛。美国学者首先发现,在入睡前补充高浓度复合氨基酸,可促使成年人生长激素的分泌量增加,生长激素可以快速燃烧体内多余的脂肪,在睡眠中
American experts: sleep thin soup, sugar, lying, hot, almost recognized as fattening the four culprits. Among them, eat and sleep more is one of the reasons leading to obesity. However, at present, a kind of sleep weight-loss method called “slimming last chance” swept from Japan to all over the world, and what is the matter of “slimming sleep?” The study suggests that the main reason leading to body fat is the lack of growth hormone in the body. Growth hormone is a natural hormone secreted by the body and secretes only during nighttime sleep, especially after 90 minutes of falling asleep. American scholars first found that before going to sleep to supplement high concentrations of amino acids can promote the secretion of growth hormone in adults increased growth hormone can quickly burn excess body fat in sleep