记得1999年年底的时候,我们大家都很兴奋,以为新的世纪转眼就要来到了。喜悦一阵之后,得知2000年仍然属于20世纪,因而变得空欢喜一场。真所谓光阴似箭,日月如梭,转瞬间2001年已经来到,这次真的是跨世纪了。一个人如果能经历两个世纪,实在是一件十分欣慰的事,特别是对我们年龄较大的人来说更是如此。 20世纪是人类科学技术和经济发展最快的一个世纪。美国工程界权威最近评出20世纪最伟大的20项技术成就,依次是:1.电气化,2.汽车,3.飞机,4.自来水,5.
I remember when the end of 1999 we were all very excited, thinking that the new century is just around the corner. After a while of joy, it was rejoiced to learn that 2000 still belonged to the 20th century. The so-called time flies, the sun and the moon, suddenly 2001 has come, this is really a cross-century. It is a very gratifying thing for a person to survive for two centuries, especially for our older people. The 20th century is the fastest century for mankind’s science and technology and economic development. The American engineering authority recently commented on the greatest 20 technological achievements of the 20th century, in order: 1. Electrification, 2. Automotive, 3. Aircraft, 4. Tap water.