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我国实行课间操制度由来已久,实践证明,课间操对于增强中学生的体质、陶冶情操、锻炼身体都起着至关重要的作用。但是在现实生活中,大多数中学生都没有意识到做操的重要性。长期以来,课间操取得的效果不是很明显,造成这种结果的原因是多方面的,其中最主要的原因就是学生对待早锻和课间操的态度及动机,所以,必须采用比较好的管理模式才能把早锻、课间操的工作搞好。本文从课间操内容、组织形式、教学方法等不合理因素入手,提出了切实可行的改革方案,旨在提高中学生的做操质量,达到真正的做操目的。 The practice of in-class practice in our country has a long history. Practice has proved that inter-day exercises play an important role in enhancing the physique, cultivating sentiment and exercising the body of middle school students. But in real life, most middle school students do not realize the importance of doing exercises. For a long time, the effect of inter-school maneuver is not obvious. The reasons for this are many. The most important reason is that the students treat the attitude and motivation of early-forging and inter-school exercise. Therefore, we must adopt a relatively good Management mode to early forging, inter-class exercises do a good job. Starting with the unreasonable factors such as the contents, forms of organization, teaching methods and so on, this article puts forward the feasible reform plan to improve the quality of middle school students’ aerobics and achieve the purpose of doing exercises.