以文昌航天发射缓冲区不同森林群落为研究对象,选择8个不同植被类型,分别设置1 hm2固定大样地,对森林植物群落的多样性、森林植物群落的物种均匀度、森林植物群落的物种优势度进行观测。结果表明:不同森林群落乔木层物种多样性差异显著,半红树林群落树种种类最高,物种多样性最高达到2.38,其次分别是天然次生林和人工混交林;不同森林群落中不同层次植物均匀度总体表现出草本层>灌木层>乔木层的规律,但天然次生林由于郁闭度较高,林下草本较灌木少,多样性和均匀度均小于灌木层;红树林物种优势度最小,各物种优势差异不显著。
Taking the different forest communities in Wenchuan space launch buffer as the research object, 8 different vegetation types were selected and 1 hm2 fixed large plots were set up. The diversity of forest plant communities, species evenness of forest plant communities, species of forest plant communities Dominant degree of observation. The results showed that there were significant differences in arborous layer species diversity among different forest communities, with the highest species diversity in the semi-mangrove forest community with the highest species diversity reaching 2.38, followed by the natural secondary forest and the mixed plantation forest. The plant uniformity at different levels in different forest communities was overall However, the natural secondary forest had a higher degree of canopy closure than the shrubs, and the diversity and evenness of the understory herbs were less than that of the shrub layer. The dominance of mangrove species was the lowest, Not obvious.