立体声廉价版 贝多芬交响曲全集的廉价版有很多, 最有名的当属卡拉扬在60年代初与 柏林爱乐乐团合作的录音。这是卡拉扬第二次录制贝多芬交响曲全集,这有可能是其立体声版本中最好的。卡拉扬1977年录的全集,个别有所提高(但有的变得更差),但都反映了这位指挥家的特点:整齐划一、罕见的精确和优美的音响,录音很好,尽管低音有些发散。 这套全集录音伴我成长,其LP我已保存了25年。我必须
Cheap cheap version of the Beethoven Symphony Complete Works of the cheap version there are many, most notable when Karajan in the early 60s with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra recording. This is Karajan’s second recording of the complete Beethoven symphony, which is probably the best of its stereo versions. Karajan’s complete works, recorded in 1977, have been individually (but somewhat worse) but all reflect the characteristics of the conductor: uniform, rare, precise and beautiful sound recording well, despite the bass Some divergence. This complete collection of recordings with my growth, the LP I have been saving for 25 years. I have to