
来源 :暨南史学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asd710601
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本文以唐朝鼎盛时期的天宝十三载(754)为时代断面,根据有关历史文献,复原唐朝置在岭南道桂管地区的行政区及其变迁过程,内容包括都督府、方镇、州郡、县在整个唐代的建置沿革、分合省并、隶属关系、名称改易、治所今地等,对两《唐书·地理志》等历史文献及中国历史地图集的错误及遗缺,做了必要的考证、修订和补充。 Based on the historical documents, this paper rebuilds the administrative regions and their changes in the Tang Dynasty in the Gui Guan area of ​​Lingnan province. The contents include Dudu Fu, Fang Zhen and Zhou Jun The history of the Tang dynasty and other historical documents and the historical atlases of China, such as the history of the founding of the Tang Dynasty and the Geographical Records of the two counties, Made the necessary textual research, revision and supplement.