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永善县地处金沙江中游,高山河谷地势,是农业人口大县,盛产五谷杂粮,且有许多山地丘林、河谷园林果园,为生态土鸡养殖创造了天然的条件。由于永善养鸡业相对落后,绝大部分还是自繁自养的小农经济模式,远远满足不了市场需求。因此,大力发展生态土乌骨鸡养殖,既符合人们的营养需求及市场需求,又充分利用了当地农村自然资源,为农村创造了一条解决就业和发家致富的途经。 Yongshan County, located in the middle reaches of the Jinsha River, alpine valley terrain, is a large agricultural population, rich in whole grains, and there are many mountain hills, valleys orchards garden, ecological breeding for the native chicken to create a natural condition. As Yongsheng chicken industry is relatively backward, the vast majority are still self-supporting small-peasant economic model, far from meeting the market demand. Therefore, vigorously develop ecological soil silky breeding, not only meet the nutritional needs of people and market demand, but also make full use of the local natural resources in rural areas for the rural areas to create a solution to employment and get rich fortune way.