我们这次编辑出版史座谈会,是最近十多年来的头一次。这十多年来,出版史研究的成绩很大,出版了一批有关书籍和发表了更多的论文,可以说超过了以往的几十年。年轻的出版史研究者也成长起来了,而且在研究中有不同意见的学术争鸣和互相讨论。这都是十分好的。 我国古代的编辑工作是编、著、校合一,是分散的个体劳动。有的编辑家也是教育家,或别的学科专门家。但他们在编辑学方面也都是有贡献的,不能忽视或抹煞。至于是不是就称编辑家,还得具体分析。
This is the first time in more than a decade that we have edited and published a history forum. For more than a decade, publishing history research has seen great success. It has published more books and published more papers than ever before. Young publishing history researchers have also grown up, and academic disagreement and mutual discussion of disagreements in the study. This is very good. The ancient editorial work in our country is a series of compilation, study, and school integration, which are scattered individual works. Some editors are also educators or specialists in other disciplines. But they also all contribute in editing science, which can not be ignored or denied. As for the editor is not called, have to be specific analysis.