Quantitative estimation presort of glacier lake outburst debris flow based on bucket effect

来源 :Global Geology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Niujingniu
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Glacier-lake outburst debris flow(GLODF),unique in high altitude mountains where modern glacier is active,is significantly large in its scale of time and space,and strong in power of destroy.Following the world’s becoming warmer,GLODF frequency gradually rises.In late years,quantitative estimation methodologies has been put into use of mass GLODF estimations.To improve former methodologies,this article suggests that the glacier(or the massif)on the trailing edge and the moraine dam are the two major systems providing independent glacier lake outburst possibilities.Bucket Effect exists in GLODF issues.Therefore focusing on the relatively unstable one of the above two provides better accuracy in estimation on GLODF possibility.Thus,this article summarizes method of presort through specific GLODF evaluation. Glacier-lake outburst debris flow (GLODF), unique in high altitude mountains where modern glacier is active, is significantly large in its scale of time and space, and strong in power of destroy. Popular the world’s becoming warmer, GLODF frequency gradually rises. In late years, quantitative estimation methodologies has been put into use of mass GLODF estimations. To improve former methodologies, this article suggests that the glacier (or the massif) on the trailing edge and the moraine dam are the two major systems providing independent glacier lake outburst possibilities.Bucket Effect exists in the relatively unstable one of the above two to provide better accuracy in estimation on GLODF. Thus, this article summarizes method of presort through specific GLODF evaluation.
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