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梁朝钟蝾曾从诗的风格上评比谢灵运与颜延之:“谢诗如芙蓉出水,颜诗如错采镂金。”拿此话借指当代散文园地中杨朔刘白羽两朵奇葩也十分适当。杨朔散文(简称杨文)笔触细腻、清新淳朴、犹如香甜醉人的荔枝蜜,大致代表了“芙蓉出水”一类清丽风格;刘白羽散文(简称刘文)笔法浓重,雄浑豪放、恰似奔腾澎湃的长江涛,大致代表了“错采镂金”一类华绮风格。这风格的对立性不仅体现在主题提炼、情节营构、人物描写等方面,也体现在语言运用上。 Liang Chao Zhong Kui once commented on the style of poetry: Xie Lingyun and Yan Yanzhi: “Hsieh Shi Ruru’s out of the water, Yan Shi’s is picking up gold.” Taking this to refer to the two wonderful works of Yang Bai and Liu Baiyu in the contemporary prose field is also quite appropriate. Yang Shu’s essays (abbreviated as Yang Wen) are delicate, refreshing and simple, like sweet and intoxicating lychee honey. They roughly represent a kind of Qingli style of “Hibiscus water”; Liu Baiyu’s prose (Liu Wen) has heavy writing skills, and it is like a pentium. The Yangtze River Tao, roughly represents the “wrong mining gold” a class of Chinatown style. The opposite of this style is not only reflected in thematic refinement, plot construction, character description, but also in language use.