
来源 :公路交通科技(应用技术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:svetcn
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交通枢纽作为承接多种交通方式的客货转乘中心,其客流量较大,为了保证枢纽安全、高效、有序地运转,需利用枢纽的各种交通方式将到站乘客尽快疏散。其中,出租车作为乘客离站的一种交通方式,其上客区的排队服务水平一定程度上影响着乘客的离站效率。本文首先对枢纽内出租车上客区的布局形式进行了分类,分为单点式出租车排队服务系统、多点纵列式出租车排队服务系统和多点并列式出租车排队服务系统三类。然后,基于排队论以北京站为例,利用费用决策模型对多点并列式出租车排队服务系统的服务台数进行了数量优化。优化结果表明,设置6个可同时供乘客上车的“服务台”可达到乘客等待时间、车辆排队时间以及“服务台”建设费用最小的效果。 As a passenger and cargo transfer center that undertakes various modes of transport, the traffic hub has a large passenger flow. In order to ensure the safe, efficient and orderly operation of the hub, various transport modes of the hub need to be used to evacuate arriving passengers as soon as possible. Among them, the taxi as a means of transport from the station passengers, the queuing service level on the passenger area to a certain extent, affecting the passenger’s leaving the station efficiency. This paper first classifies the layout patterns of taxis on the passenger terminals in the hub. It is divided into three types: single-point taxi queuing service system, multi-point tandem taxi queuing service system and multi-point parallel taxi queuing service system . Then, based on queuing theory, taking Beijing Railway Station as an example, this paper uses the cost decision model to optimize the number of service queuing system of taxi queuing service. The optimization results show that setting up 6 “helpdesk” that can simultaneously pick up passengers can achieve the effect of waiting passengers, queuing time of vehicles and “help desk ”.
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