人类的麻疹毫无疑问,人无论作为个人还是群体,最初看世界都是以自己为圆心的,但是人又无不以为自己是“公允的”、“客观的”,即不以个人利益为圆心的。卡尔·萨根也许是惯于以航天者的眼光观察和思考事物,习惯于“通过从遥远的地方摄取地球的精致照片,显示出这颗朦胧的、蓝色而旋转着的小球,恰如瀚渺无垠的太空中的一颗蓝宝石”的距离,因而他的思想自然超越人群间的偏见。他说:“地球上所有的部落,都带有极端的种族地方主义,把他们自己称作‘人类’或‘绝无仅有之人’,而把人类的其他集团贬低到劣等地位。”他举了三个例: 高度文明的希腊人“把人类共同体分成希腊人和野蛮人。欧美人祖先的古典文明“把其所在的小岛称之为地中海——意指是地球的
Human measles There is no doubt that no matter as an individual or as a group, people initially regard the world as their own heart, but they all consider themselves “fair” and “objective”, that is, not centered on personal interests . Karl Sagan may be accustomed to observing and thinking things with the vision of an astronaut, accustomed to “displaying this hazy, blue, rotating ball by exquisitely taking pictures of the Earth from far away, just as Han A sapphire in the boundless space, ”so his thoughts naturally transcend the prejudices among the crowds. He said: “All the tribes on earth are extremly ethnic and local, calling themselves” human beings “or” unmanaged ones, “while belittling the rest of humanity to the inferior.” He cited three A case in point: a highly civilized Greek “divides the human community into Greeks and barbarians.” The classical civilization of the ancients of Europe and the United States "called the island where it belongs to the Mediterranean - meaning Earth