为充实和加强军队科技干部队伍,促进国防科技事业的发展,3月28日,沈阳军区颁发实行《关于特招地方专业技术人员入伍工作的实施意见》,还专门设立了“科技人才交流中心”,为引进地方优秀人才搭起了一座“鹊桥”。 特招的范围是国内从事卫生、教学、工程技术等专业的中青年拔尖人才。特招对象的具体条件:(1)政治
On March 28, the Shenyang Military Region promulgated the “Implementation Opinions on Enrolling Local Professional and Technical Personnel in the Special Recruitment Campaign”, and also set up the “Exchange Center for Sci-Tech Talents” specially to enrich and strengthen the contingent of scientific and technological cadres in the armed forces and promote the development of national defense science and technology. , For the introduction of local talents put up a “Magpie Bridge.” Special range of strokes is engaged in health, teaching, engineering and other professional middle-aged top-notch talent. Specific targets of special conditions: (1) Politics