中国入世以后,将在2-4年的时间内逐步开放电信服务领域,其中基础电信服务中所承诺的移动话音和寻呼服务,以及增值电信服务中所承诺的内容都与网络传播有关系。对此,中国公布的入世文件对外商投资这些领域有专门规定。 中国高层管理方面认为,一些国外势力可能考虑利用电信网络对中国进行意识形态渗透、文化渗透和政治渗透,因此在入世法律文件中明确:在电信领域中,电信企业不允许外方控股,所有国际通讯业务必须通过中方电信管理当局批准和控制的出入口局进行,以保持对
After China’s accession to the WTO, it will gradually open its telecommunications service in 2-4 years. The promised mobile voice and paging services promised in basic telecommunications services and the promised content in value-added telecommunications services are all related to the spread of the Internet. In this regard, China’s accession document has specific provisions on these areas for foreign investment. China’s top management believes that some foreign forces may consider using the telecommunications network to carry out ideological infiltration, cultural infiltration and political infiltration into China. Therefore, in the accession legal documents, it is clear that in the telecommunications field, the telecommunications enterprises will not allow foreign-controlled entities and all international Communication services must be approved and controlled by the Chinese telecommunications regulatory authorities at the entrance and exit to maintain the