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  Interviewer: Now, normally when we talk it’s...it’s usually about an album or a tour or something to do with music. But we’re gonna talk about your autobiography now, and I was wondering, ’cause having spoken to you in the past, you always struck me as quite a private person, and I was wondering, was it a tough decision, ’cause you...you’re very, very honest in the book, and there’s lots of stuff that’s, you know, quite personal about your past. Was that a tough decision to write that stuff?
  Cheryl: I mean it was. It was a...a battle with myself how I normally am, ’cause I am a very private person, but I just took enough of...of everybody else’s rubbish, you know. I’m sick of readin’ lies, I’m sick of readin’ misquotes and...Enough was enough. It was time for me to put out my side of the story and the truth, and if I was gonna do it, I was gonna do it honestly and frankly and truthfully and not 1)beat around the bush, so once I made the decision I knew it was gonna be frank and open, and it was the best thing for me at that time.
  Interviewer: OK. Set... 2)settin’ the record straight. Cheryl: Yeah, just...yeah, just puttin’ all the rumours to bed, and I would, you know, I was just tired of everything being 3)rehashed, everyone havin’ a 4)misinformed opinion on who they thought I was, and it just felt like the right thing to do.
  Interviewer: Great. OK. One of the things that comes across very strongly from the book is that you had a real kind of burning ambition to...to make it from a quite young age. I was just wondering, where do you think that came from, and, you know, what drove you on?
  Cheryl: Well, I was performin’ from a really young age, from a little baby really. I was three when I started takin’ dance classes, so I always really enjoyed performin’. That was...that was more the thing than anything else. I just couldn’t see a future of doin’ anything else. I didn’t like school,if I’m honest. I always just loved performin’. That’s where the passion came from. I wouldn’t say driven being an ambition to make it. I would’ve probably settled for performin’ in any capacity. Just I knew that’s what I wanted to do with me life.
  Interviewer: OK. I’m glad you mentioned school because that relates to my next question. One of...one of the funny bits in the book you had a, was it a maths teacher that said,“Cheryl Tweedy, you’ll amount to nothing .” I was just wondering , you know, how did you...how do y o u c o p e w i t h 5)knockbacks and people not having faith in you? Did it affect you?   Cheryl: I mean, me dad was always like that too, you know. He was always the one saying “Get your head out the clouds. You know, this is ridiculous. Yes it’s a dream, and I understand that every teenage girl wants to be a pop star or...” But I just knew in me heart that’s what I was supposed to do, so it didn’t really affect us in that way. It was more like “OK, cool story bro...that’s your opinion, but I’ll do it.” And I said to me dad one day,“We’ll be watching ‘6)Top of the Pops’ and I’ll be on there.” And we did, and he’ll never forget...
  Interviewer: How old were you when he said that?
  Cheryl: I think, like, eight or nine.
  Interviewer: OK. And my final 7)designated question is, you’re obviously, as...as I’m sure you know,you’re...you’re a real inspiration and a role model to young girls and...and young women, who, what, full stop, but particularly ones who want to kinda get into this business. What advice would you give to a young female who wants to follow in your footsteps? Cheryl: I mean, it really is amazing to think that I once was a person lookin’ for someone to inspire, to aspire to be like, and now I can be that person for somebody else. That’s a really special feelin’. But my advice would be that you need to know this industry inside out. You know, it’s not...it’s not the red carpets and the parties and the glamour that you see. It’s really hard work, and it’s...it’s a dedication, you know, it’s a lot of sacrifice and a lot of dedication, and you have to be sure that this is what you want to do with your life. And I would say practice, practice, practice. You can’t ever practice enough.
  Interviewer: Great. Well, Cheryl, thank you very much for that.
  Cheryl: Thank you.


总觉得,舞蹈是身体谱成的一首诗,每一个动作便是这首诗的一个字词。  起舞,应该是人类最原始的冲动之一吧。古典的、现代的,本土的、异域的,优雅的、怪诞的……关于舞的一切一切,从远古绵延至今,超越了时间和疆域的界限,成为人类最美的一部分。  每一种舞都有着各自的语言,每一段舞都诉说着不同的故事。最动人的,其实是舞中所蕴涵的丰富情感。舞中有笑,舞中有泪,舞中有舞者对美一生不倦的追求。本期,让我们用心聆听
Because I could not stop for Death,  He kindly stopped for me;  The carriage held but just ourselves And 1)Immortality.  We slowly drove, he knew no haste,  And I had put away  My labor, and my leisur
And now I’m gonna take you into my high school awkward story. So, like I said, I was very 1)anti-social, but we had dances, and I would probably skip every other dance. I’d probably go to one and not