Study of the engineering geologic feature of weathering zone of bedrock in 810 producing area of Lul

来源 :Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heran3
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For a safe extracting of the mine resource of the razor thin capping rock, a study of waterproof, sand prevention, roof fall prevention must be made. As a result, it’s necessary to master the engineering feature of weathering zone of bedrock. According to the lithology appraisal and X diffract analyses, the mineral feature of weathering zone of bedrock in 810 producing area has been studied in this article. By testing the physical mechanics index of weathering zone, we have found out some features of physical mechanic quality. Utilizing the determined result of viscosity index and slaking test, we reach a conclusion of the water stability of weathering zone, that is the weathering zone rock belongs to the type that is easily slaked when encountered water and the water stability is weak. For a safe extracting of the mine resource of the razor thin capping rock, a study of waterproof, sand prevention, roof fall prevention must be made. As a result, it’s necessary to master the engineering feature of weathering zone of bedrock. According to the lithology appraisal and X diffract analyzes, the mineral feature of weathering zone of bedrock in 810 producing area has been studied in this article. By testing the physical mechanics index of weathering zone, we have found out some features of physical mechanic quality. Utilizing the determined result of viscosity index and slaking test, we reach a conclusion of the water stability of weathering zone, that is the weathering zone rock belongs to the type that is readily slaked when encountered water and the water stability is weak.
摘 要: 当前的高中数学教学过程中,单纯地进行数学知识的传授已经无法满足时代的要求和新课标对高中数学的要求。基于这个背景,本文探讨了在高中数学教学过程中如何进行有效的数学课堂提问,并介绍了有效提问的方法和技巧。  关键词: 高中数学 课堂教学 有效提问  高中的知识学习已经不再像初中那样,单靠老师讲授就可以掌握,它更多地需要老师在讲授知识时进行有效的课堂提问。课堂提问可以激发学生的发散思维,锻炼他
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