全国锰业技术委员会 (下简称锰技委 )第三次主任、秘书长会议于 2 0 0 1年 11月 2 5~ 2 6日在湖南省长沙市召开 ,出席此次会议的主任、副主任委员、秘书长共 7人。本次会议的主要议题是 :(1)听取 2 0 0 1年工作汇报 ;(2 )讨论明年厦门会议筹备工作有关事项 ;(3)有关人事变更等
The third director and secretary-general meeting of the National Manganese Industry Technical Committee (hereinafter referred to as Manganese Technology Commission) was held in Changsha, Hunan Province from November 25 to February 26, 2001. The director and deputy director Committee, the Secretary-General a total of seven people. The main topics for this meeting are: (1) to listen to the work report in 2001; (2) to discuss the preparations for next year’s meeting in Xiamen; and (3) to change the personnel