在2013年11月法国举行的国际军警装备展上,西格-绍尔公司展出了公司历史上的第一款冲锋枪——MPX,其独特的设计理念与结构引起了不小的轰动,西格-绍尔公司关于该枪的广告词也非常抢眼:“The next generation of submachine is here”(这就是下一代冲锋枪)!果真如此吗?请看本文作者参展归来呈现的对这支冲锋枪的深刻认识——
At the International Military and Police Equipment Fair held in November 2013 in France, Siegöhler exhibited the first assault rifle in the history of the company, MPX, whose unique design concept and structure caused quite a stir. The Sieger-Sauter company’s ad on the gun is also very eye-catching: “The next generation of submachine is here” (this is the next generation of submachine guns)! Really? See the author returned from this show Submachine gun profound understanding -