我们于1981——1982年分别对全省75个水泥厂进行了卫生学调查和接尘工人尘肺检查。现将结果报告如下: 一、资料来源和方法卫生学资料是根据统一方案由各地(市)防疫站分别进行调查汇总;其中粉尘浓度以工人作业呼吸带算术均数计,游离SiO_2系作业现场沉降尘采用
In 1981-1982, we carried out the hygiene survey and the pneumoconiosis checkup of 75 cement factories in the province respectively. The results are reported as follows: I. Sources and Methods Hygiene data are collected and surveyed by epidemic prevention stations at all localities (municipalities) according to a unified plan. The concentration of dust in the work area is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the breathing zone of workers, Dust used