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河西走廊历代以来都是东西贯通的交通要道,更是“丝绸之路”的重要构成部分。纪录片《河西走廊》通过对这片土地的前世今生的细致描画,绘出了一幅波澜壮阔的历史长卷。《河西走廊》的创作贴近国情,立足国际,应用了丰富的创作手法,完成了历史与现实的完美交汇,本文就该片对国情解读,国际视野,创作手法等方面,来探究人文历史类纪录片创作的新途径。 Hexi Corridor since the passage of all things are thoroughfare, but also “Silk Road” is an important part. The documentary “Hexi Corridor” draws a magnificent historical scroll through the detailed portrayal of the past and present of this land. The “Hexi Corridor” is closely related to the actual conditions of our country. Based on the international experience, a wealth of creative techniques have been applied and the perfect combination of history and reality has been completed. This article explores the history of humanities through the interpretation of national conditions, international perspectives and creative techniques New way of creation.
编者按:近日,中国曲艺家协会苏州评弹艺术委员会年会在南京召开,会议议题为苏州评弹的市场。现将与会人员发言摘录如下:  刘旭东在繁荣评弹市场的同时如何处理好传承和创新,如何发挥苏州评弹“润物细无声”是应该关切的问题。  陆 军中国的文化艺术进入了一个思想准备期,创作准备期,工作准备期,演员艺术培养提高期,这是苏州评弹艺术发展不可缺少的步骤。  姜永春关于评弹的市场,三十年前是广播书场,街头巷尾、收音