唾腺良性淋巴上皮病很少见,恶变更罕见。我院遇到一例,兹报告如下:患者女性,30岁。一年前偶然发现右颌下黄豆大肿块,因无疼痛和不适而未诊治。后肿块渐增大,近二月增大迅速。于1980年12月26日就诊,拟诊为右颌下腺混合瘤而入院。体检:右颌下腺部位触及3×2 cm 大小肿块一个。质中等,表面光滑,无触痛,可移动,与皮肤无粘连。口腔
The benign lymphoendothelial disease of the salivary gland is rare, and the alteration of evil is rare. In our hospital, one case is reported here. The patient is female, 30 years old. One year ago, a large lump of soy beans under the right submandibular accident was accidentally discovered and was not diagnosed and treated because of no pain or discomfort. The posterior masses gradually increased and increased rapidly in the most recent months. He was admitted to the hospital on December 26, 1980 and was diagnosed with mixed submandibular glands of the right submandibular gland. Physical examination: The right submandibular gland touches a 3×2 cm lumps. Medium quality, smooth surface, no tenderness, mobile, no adhesion to skin. Mouth