依据《定量包装商品计量监督规定》 ,我们对本地区定量包装商品生产企业实施了检查 ,共检查企业34家 ,合格率较低 ,主要存在两个方面的问题 :首先 ,在企业改制过程中 ,由于利益驱动及对标准的不正确理解 ,造成了故意少装现象 ,如酱醋厂、酒厂等对定量灌装车间进行经济承包 ,
According to “Provisions on Quantitative Packaging Commodity Supervision”, we have conducted inspections on the quantitative packaging products manufacturing enterprises in the region, checking a total of 34 enterprises with low qualification rates. There are mainly two problems: First, in the process of enterprise restructuring, Interest-driven and incorrect understanding of the standard, resulting in intentional less loaded phenomenon, such as vinegar sauce factory, winery and other quantitative filling workshop for economic contract,