笔者于1991~1996年用自拟血枯蛇瓦油治疗中耳炎46例,取得了满意效果,现报道如下。1 临床资料1.1一般资料 本组46例,男32例,女14例;年龄6个月~12岁,平均年龄6岁;均为门诊患儿,病程在1周以上,经抗炎治疗效果不佳,多以耳痛、发热起病;发病时间:1~5天12例,6~8天8例,9~14天26例。诊断标准:初起发热,烦躁哭闹不安,年长儿诉耳内作痛,或轻或重,重者跳痛难忍,咳嗽、吞咽时疼痛加重,伴有恶寒、发热、头痛、耳聋、耳部肿胀,时有脓汁外溢等;耳部检查可见鼓膜极度充血、红肿、鼓膜穿孔处脓液有博动性反光;乳突部压疼,耳后软组织肿胀,伴脓肿时触之有波动感.实验室检查白细胞增高;X线片示乳突部蜂窝小房含气减少,透亮度减低,可见云雾样密度增高之影像,小房骨间隔清晰;化脓期乳突显示密度增高,蜂房骨壁模糊不清。
The author in 1991 ~ 1996 with self blood Serpentine oil treatment of otitis media 46 cases, and achieved satisfactory results, are reported below. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information The group of 46 patients, 32 males and 14 females; aged 6 months to 12 years, mean age 6 years; outpatients with a course of more than 1 week, the anti-inflammatory treatment does not effect Good, and more with earache, fever onset; onset time: 1 to 5 days in 12 cases, 6 to 8 days in 8 cases, 9 to 14 days in 26 cases. Diagnostic criteria: early onset of fever, irritability, crying uneasiness, older children complained intra ear pain, or light or heavy, severe pain, unwell, cough, swallowing pain, accompanied by aversion to fever, headache, deafness, Ear swelling, when the overflow of pus juice; ear examination shows that the tympanic membrane hyperemia, inflamed, tympanic membrane at the pus motility reflective; mastoid tenderness, ear soft tissue swelling, with abscess when the wave touch Dynamic laboratory tests of leukocytosis; X-ray film showed a small mastoid honeycomb containing gas decreased translucent decreased visible cloud-like image of increased density, clear interval between the small cells; purulent mastoid showed increased density, hive Wall blurred.