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第一次见到乔鹤的时候,她稚气未脱的脸上晕着淡淡的羞涩,和我打招呼也是羞羞的。 乔鹤现在住北京,户口刚刚迁来,老家本是山西太原。古城厚重而淳朴的文化底蕴和乡土气息给了她艺术的修养。很小的时候母亲把她送去学琴,本来是为了锻炼她的思维能力的。刚开始报的是二胡,后来听说学琵琶十个手指头都能动起来,更有助于大脑的发育,便弃了二胡,一心一意学起琵琶。原来是无心插柳,谁知道小小的乔鹤音乐悟性极高。老师授课时,她每每举一反三,不久便在众多的琴童中脱颖而出。遇上有演出,老师总不忘带上乔鹤,而乔鹤总是以她娴熟的琴技和优雅的台风获得一次次久久不息的掌声。 The first time I saw Qiao He, her childish faint face faint shy, greet me is shameful. Joe He now lives in Beijing, his account has just moved to the hometown of Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. The ancient city of thick and honest cultural heritage and native atmosphere gave her artistic accomplishment. At a very young age, her mother sent her to learn the piano, originally intended to train her thinking ability. The beginning of the report is the erhu, and later heard that learning pipa ten fingers can move up, but also contribute to the development of the brain, they abandoned the erhu, wholeheartedly learn pipa. The original is unintentional, who knows a small Joe He music perception is very high. When the teacher is teaching, she often gives up one after another among many piano children. In the event of a performance, the teacher always did not forget to bring Qiao He, and Qiao He always with her skillful piano and elegant typhoon received a long-lasting applause.
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Chen Mufa, mathematician by profession, is aprofessor in Beijing Normal University(BNU). Prof. Chen was born in Huian Countyof Fujian Province in 1946 and gradu