应在主栽品种开花期间 ,从适宜的授粉品种上采集含苞待放的铃铛花。采花的数量应根据授粉面积和授粉树花量的多少确定。根据我校多年的试验 ,10kg鲜花朵 ,可出 1kg鲜花药 ;5kg鲜花药能出 1kg干花粉 ,可供 1 3~ 2hm2 盛果期苹果树授粉之用。采花可结合疏花工作同时?
During the flowering of the main cultivars, bell flowers should be collected from the appropriate pollination varieties. The number of flowers should be based on pollination and pollination of the number of flowers to determine how much. According to our school for many years of experiments, 10kg fresh flowers, can be a 1kg flowers; 5kg flowers medicine to 1kg dry pollen, for 1 3 ~ 2hm2 full fruit apple tree pollination purposes. Flowers can be combined with flowering at the same time?