After actively participating in the formation of the Northern Bureau and carrying out the work of the party, following the Wayaobao Conference, in order to implement the party’s political line of resistance against Japan and the national united front and achieve the party’s complete transformation of its work strategy in the White Area, according to the decision of the CPC Central Committee, Month with Liu Shaoqi arrived in Tianjin, central authority to reorganize the Northern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. When he arrived in Tianjin, he promptly sent personnel to various places to rebuild and restore the leading bodies of the Party and lead the party’s work to the track of a correct course. After the outbreak of the Lugou Bridge incident, Peng Zhen suggested and organized the relocation of the Northern Bureau to Taiyuan according to the development of the situation. In accordance with instructions from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, in early August 1937, the Northern Bureau