目的 初步了解西南部分地区支气管哮喘发病的一般特点 ,分析所存在的问题并探讨相应的防治策略。方法 对四川、重庆、云南等地 9所医院的门诊及住院患者进行问卷调查。问卷包括 6 0项内容。结果 本地区哮喘患者以轻症居多 ,发作诱因依次为上呼吸道感染、运动、花粉、尘螨以及职业性因素等。规则吸入皮质激素的患者比例甚低(17% ) ,极少患者自备峰流速仪或常规检测峰流速 (PEF)。结论 本地区哮喘患者对哮喘的认识水平及医生的宣教工作均取得了一定的进步 ,但防治手段 ,特别是以吸入皮质激素为主的缓解期治疗 ,尚有相当的差距。
Objective To understand the general characteristics of bronchial asthma in some areas of Southwest China and to analyze the existing problems and to explore the corresponding prevention and treatment strategies. Methods Questionnaires were conducted on outpatients and inpatients from 9 hospitals in Sichuan, Chongqing and Yunnan. The questionnaire includes 60 items. Results The majority of asthma patients in this region were mild and the predisposing factors were upper respiratory tract infection, exercise, pollen, dust mites and occupational factors. The proportion of patients with regular inhaled corticosteroids was low (17%), with very few patients with their own peak-flow meter or routinely detected peak flow rate (PEF). Conclusion The level of awareness of asthma and doctor’s mission in asthma in our region have made certain progress. However, there is still a long way to go in terms of prevention and treatment, especially corticosteroid-based remission therapy.