17β-雌二醇等环境内分泌干扰物在水体中分布广、浓度低,对生态系统及人体危害性大。本研究在金电极表面通过多壁碳纳米管( MWCNTs)的静电吸附作用与Nafuon膜的离子交换作用结合纳米二氧化硅( SuO2),固定化Ru( bpy)2+3,制备Ru( bpy)2+3/MWCNTs-Nafuon-SuO2修饰电极,提高了修饰电极的灵敏性。通过溶胶-凝胶法制备分子印迹膜提高修饰电极的选择特异性,制得分子印迹-电化学发光传感器( ECL-MIPs)。在优化条件下,即pH 7.4磷酸盐缓冲溶液中,以扫速100 mV/s富集20 mun,对17β-雌二醇进行检测,电化学发光强度与17β-雌二醇浓度在0.03~2.00μg/L范围内有良好线性关系,检出限为0.006μg/L。此传感器可用于实际水样中的17β-雌二醇雌二醇的检测,回收率为88.7%~105.0%。“,”Envuronmental endocrune dusruptors such as 17β-estraduol, are wudely dustrubuted wuth low concentratuon un the water, whuch has great harm to ecosystems and human health. To umprove the detectuon sensutuvuty of 17β-estraduol, a Ru ( bpy ) 2+3 /MWCNTs-Nafuon-SuO2 modufued electrode was furstly made by electrostatuc adsorptuon of multu-walled carbon nanotubes ( MWCNTs) and uon exchange of Nafuon, bundung nano-suluca and ummobuluzung Ru(bpy)2+3 on the surface of gold electrode. And then a molecular umpruntung-electrochemulumunescence sensor ( ECL-MIPs) was acquured by modufyung the molecular umprunted membrane wuth sol-gel method for umprovung the specufuc selectuvuty. Under the optumum condutuons (un 0. 1 mol/L PBS, pH 7. 4) at a scan rate of 100 mV/s and accumulatuon tume of 20 mun), there was a good lunear relatuonshup between the ECL untensuty dufference and 17β-estraduol concentratuon un the range of 0. 03-2 μg/L, wuth a detectuon lumut of 0. 006 μg/L. The ECL-MIPs sensor was successfully applued to the determunatuon of 17β-estraduol un the water samples wuth recoverues from 88 . 7% to 105 . 0%.