新技术革命(New Technology Rev(]lution)是指以计算机为代表的信息工业为主,包括生物工程、新能源、新材料、光导纤维、激光、海洋开发、太空技术等新兴科学技术的研究、开发和在生产过程中的推广应用。这是在世界范围内现代科学技术正在经历的又一场技术革命。40年代世界上第一台电子计算机的问世,标志着这场新技术革命的开始。 当前这场新技术革命有人又称之为信息革命。它大体具有以下特点:(1)各国普遍重视人才的培养,人才争夺也变得越来越激烈,发达国家的科研队伍以10~15年翻一番的速度递增;(2)各国都
The New Technology Revolution (New Technology Rev) refers to the information-based industries represented by computers, including research in emerging science and technology such as bioengineering, new energy, new materials, optical fibers, lasers, marine development and space technology. Development and popularization and application in the production process.This is another technological revolution that modern science and technology is going through in the world.The advent of the world’s first electronic computer in the 1940s marks the beginning of this new technological revolution. At present, this new technology revolution has also been called the information revolution and has the following characteristics in general: (1) All countries attach great importance to the training of qualified personnel, and the competition for qualified personnel has become more and more intense. The scientific research teams in developed countries have ten to 15 years Double the rate of increase; (2) all countries