Sixty elements are found in the body of microorganisms, plants or animals, including humans, and these elements, due to their low levels in tissues, contain only a few pg or a few micrograms (μg) in 1 gram of moist tissue ), So called “trace elements ”. According to the World Health Organization, 14 kinds of trace elements are known to be necessary for mankind, namely iron, zinc, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, chromium, manganese, nickel, silicon, iodine, fluorine, selenium, tin and vanadium. In recent years, the understanding of the role of trace elements in biology has greatly improved. . Since 1973, Barn and Moynahan found that a 2-year-old children with enterocolitis acuitis serum zinc reduction, oral administration of zinc sulfate, the symptoms disappeared, which led dermatologists attention to zinc. Now on the biological effects of some zinc and dermatological applications are reviewed.