绥化地区工业体系的构成基本上都是县属工业,绝大多数又都是小型企业,论实力没有大中型企业强,论机制没有乡镇企业活,处在大工业和大农业的夹缝之中。县属工业规模较小,财力较弱,技术落后,设备陈旧,适应不了产品结构调整和开发新产品的需要。因此,加快设备的更新改造已成为县属工业生存发展的重要途径。 我区县办工业的设备现状及存在的问题是: 设备老化严重。全区共有5.8万多台套设备,其中58%超过了设备的经济寿命,处在超期服役阶段。 维护保养差。单纯强调生产任务,设备带病运转,现场管理脏、乱、差也比较普遍,最后不得不投入大量人力、物力用
The composition of the industrial system in the Suihua area is basically all county-owned industries, and most of them are small-scale enterprises. There is no strong or medium-sized enterprise in terms of strength. There is no township enterprise in the mechanism, and it is in the gap between big industry and large agriculture. The county’s industrial scale is relatively small, its financial resources are weak, its technology is backward, and its equipment is obsolete, which cannot adapt to the needs of product structure adjustment and the development of new products. Therefore, accelerating the upgrading of equipment has become an important way for the survival and development of the county’s industry. The status quo and existing problems of the equipment of our district’s county offices are: The equipment is aging seriously. There are more than 58,000 sets of equipment in the district, of which 58% exceed the economic life of the equipment and are in the stage of extended service. Poor maintenance. Emphasizing purely on production tasks, equipment running sick, dirty, chaotic, and poor on-site management are also common. In the end, they have to invest a lot of human and material resources.