《王室的幽灵》(The Royal Ghost)共包括九个故事,基本以新世纪前后的加德满都为背景,为当代的尼泊尔人描绘出一幅群像。小说的主题,涉及尼泊尔的政局,如《避难者》(A Refugee)、《王室的幽灵》、《第三舞台》(The Third Stage)等,年轻人的婚恋,如《婚礼英雄》《钦塔玛尼的女人们》《城中一仆人》,种姓制度的局限和新老一代人的冲突,如《父亲、女儿》以及中老年生活如《第三舞台》等。总的来说,尤帕德亚的小说是以“题材”见长,写的是地域风情;在技法上,学习了当代英美短篇小说风格,
The Royal Ghost consists of nine stories, basically based on the background of Kathmandu in the new century and a portrayal of contemporary Nepalese people. The theme of the novel concerns the political situation in Nepal such as “A Refugee,” “The Phantom of the King,” “The Third Stage.” Young people’s love and marriage such as “wedding hero” Mani women, “” a servant in the city, “the limitations of the caste system and clashes between new and old generations, such as” father, daughter, “and middle-aged and elderly life such as” the third stage. “ In general, Youpa Deya’s novel is based on ”subject " is written, is the geographical style; in the technique, learning the contemporary Anglo-American short story style,