采用棉属种间杂交新方案 ,获得陆地棉×斯特提棉可育杂种。经 2次回交后 ,在枯黄萎病圃稳定性状 ,定向培育 ,人工选择 ,首次育成了丰产、优质、抗病、抗旱、抗盐碱的棉花种间杂交新品种秦远 4号和一批新种质。秦远 4号创皮棉 3 897kg/hm2 的世界最高单产纪录
The new interspecific hybridization program of cotton genus was used to obtain fertile hybrids of upland cotton × Sterne. After two backcrosses, the stable trait, directional cultivation and artificial selection of nursery field of Verticillium wilt were bred for the first time and a new breed Qinyuan 4 with high yield, high quality, disease resistance, drought resistance and salt-resistance was bred and a batch of new Germplasm Qin Yuan 4, a cotton lint 3 897kg / hm2 world’s highest yield record