《周处》节选自南朝刘义庆编纂的《世说新语·自新》。 刘义庆,彭城(今江苏省徐州市)人,宋武帝刘裕侄子,袭封临川王,后任荆州刺史,官至尚书左仆射,中书令。《宋书·刘道观传》说他“爱好文义”,“招集文学之士,远近必至。” 《周处》写的是青年周处勇于改过,为民除害,终于成名的故事。 全文可分四个层次。
The “Zhou Zhou” section is selected from the “Shi Shuo Xin Yu Xin Xin” edited by Liu Yiqing of the Southern Dynasties. Liu Yiqing, Pengcheng (now Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province), was the son of Emperor Song Yuwu Liu Yu, who was the king of Linchuan, and later was the provincial governor of Jingzhou. “Song Shu Liu Dao Guan Biography” said that he “loved the meaning of literature and art”, “to recruit literary men and women, the distance must be.” “Zhou Department” wrote the story of young people who bravely reformed, destroyed the people, and finally became famous. The full text can be divided into four levels.