1931年,陈赓被派往鄂豫皖苏区,出任中国工农红军第4军第13师第38团团长,不久升任第13师师长.9月,率部参加新集西北胡山寨战斗,在前线指挥作战时,不幸右腿膝盖处负了重伤.10月,陈赓调任红四方面军参谋长,但因伤势恶化,行动困难,便离开部队前往上海牛惠霖医院治伤.他此次来沪,除治伤外,还负有一项重要任务:向党中央汇报鄂豫皖苏区反“围剿” 的情况.1933年3月,中共中央决定派陈赓去江西苏区工作.在要离开上海的前一天,即3月24日,因叛徒告密,不幸被捕.在巡捕房里,他接连遭到敌人的鞭打、电刑.
In 1931, Chen Kui was sent to Hubei, Jiangsu and Anhui Soviet Area, served as head of the 38th Division of the 13th Division of the Chinese Workers ’and Peasants’ Red Army 4th Army and soon promoted to the 13th Division .In September, the Ministry of Justice participated in the new battle of Hu Shanzhai in the northwest, In October, Chen Kui was transferred to Chief of Staff of the Red Fourth Army, but because of the deteriorating condition, he was forced to leave the army to go to Shanghai Niu Huilin Hospital for treatment of injuries. In addition to being wounded, the party also reported an important task: reporting the anti-encirclement and encirclement campaign of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union in the Central Committee of the Party Central Committee. In March 1933, the CPC Central Committee decided to send Chen Xun to work in the Soviet area of Jiangxi Province. In the day before leaving Shanghai, On the 24th, he was apprehended for being trafficked by the traitors, and was repeatedly whipped and electrocuted by his enemies in the police inspection room.