一、杨树浦煤气厂概况及节能工作现状 杨树浦煤气是一个二次能源转换单位,年耗煤量20万吨、重油9万吨、电200万千瓦时、蒸气50万吨,虽然有煤气、焦炭、焦油、粗苯等二次能源转换的产物,但还是属于上海市的重点耗能单位之一,我厂对能源的管理起步较早,“七五”以来,各行各业都把节约能源的工作放到了重要的位置上来。企业通过上等级活动也逐步形成了自我要求、自我完善、自我发展的约束机制,节能工作有了很大的进步,并取得了可喜的成绩。多年来,我厂连续被评为上海市节能先进企业。
I. Summary of the Yangshupu Gasworks and the current status of energy conservation Yangshupu Gas is a secondary energy conversion unit with an annual coal consumption of 200,000 tons, heavy oil of 90,000 tons, electricity of 2 million kwh, steam of 500,000 tons, although gas, coke, The tar, crude benzene and other secondary energy conversion products, but still belong to one of the key energy-consuming units in Shanghai, I plant started earlier in the energy management, “July 5” since, all walks of life have to save energy work Put in an important position. Enterprises have gradually formed self-improvement, self-improvement, and self-development restraining mechanisms through the above-mentioned level activities. Energy-saving work has made great progress and gratifying results have been achieved. Over the years, our factory has been rated as the advanced energy-saving enterprise in Shanghai.