夏仁德(RANDOLPH SAILER)先生是燕大心理系系主任、教授,一九二三年来中国任教,在华近三十年,在“一二·九”时期、抗战时期和解放战争时期,他一贯支持青年学生的革命斗争,为中国革命事业贡献过自己的力量。有不少受敌人迫害追捕的同志在他家里避难,在他的帮助下逃脱了敌人的魔掌;民先(党的外围组织)、党支部多次把他的家作为秘密开会的地点;许多禁书也藏在他的家中。一九七三年他来我国访问,周恩来总理
Mr. RANDOLPH SAILER, a professor and director of the Department of Psychology at YANDA University, taught in China in 1923. During the nearly 30 years in China and during the “January 29” and during the War of Resistance and the War of Liberation, Has consistently supported the revolutionary struggles of young students and has contributed their strength to the cause of the Chinese revolution. Many of the commanders persecuted by the enemy have sought refuge in his home and escaped the clutches of his enemies with his help. First (the peripheral organization of the party), the party branch has repeatedly made his home a secret meeting place; many banned books Also hidden in his home. In 1973 he came to visit China and Premier Zhou Enlai