目的总结2015年新疆鼠疫防治监测工作,分析动物鼠疫流行趋势,指导新疆鼠疫防治工作。方法收集2015年新疆各鼠疫监测点防治监测工作上报资料进行汇总统计分析。结果山地动物鼠疫监测:旱獭密度路线法平均0.42只/公顷、样方法 1.59只/公顷,总染蚤率平均38.1%、总蚤指数2.01,长尾黄鼠密度定点法5月16.2只/公顷、7月18.7只/公顷,长尾黄鼠总染蚤率平均80.2%、总蚤指数5.7;检验各种动物血清5 528份,长尾黄鼠鼠疫F1抗体阳性血清2份、南天山牧犬阳性血清1份;检出鼠疫菌24株、全部来自北天山鼠疫疫源地。准噶尔盆地荒漠鼠疫监测:在6个县(市、区)血清学检验各种鼠类917只,其中大沙鼠766只,检出鼠疫F1抗体血清97份,血清阳性率12.7%;病原学检测啮齿动物脏器标本1 062份,其中大沙鼠684份,自乌鲁木齐市米东区和克拉玛依分离鼠疫菌3株;检验蚤类标本10 721只,自乌鲁木齐市米东区检出鼠疫菌2株;媒介监测获蚤11种10 952只,染蚤率96.0%,总体蚤指数15.94。结论2015年新疆12个县(市、区)监测到动物间鼠疫疫情,乌苏市、温泉县、精河县、沙湾县、乌鲁木齐市米东区和克拉玛依市6个县(市、区)检出鼠疫菌,乌鲁木齐市米东区、克拉玛依市、吉木萨尔县、阜康市、奇台县、乌苏市、精河县、青河县、阿图什市和塔什库尔干县10个县(市、区)检出鼠疫抗体阳性血清;2015年全疆无人间鼠疫发生,北天山山地和准噶尔盆地局部区域动物鼠疫疫情仍然维持较高强度的流行趋势。
Objective To summarize the prevention and control of plague in Xinjiang in 2015, analyze the epidemic trend of animal plague and guide the prevention and control of plague in. Methods Collecting data of prevention and surveillance work of plague surveillance sites in Xinjiang in 2015 and collecting statistics. Results The plague monitoring of mountain animals: the average density of marmots was 0.42 / ha, the sample method was 1.59 / ha, the average rate of total flea flea was 38.1%, the total flea index was 2.01, the density of long-tailed rat was 16.2 per hectare in May, July 18.7 per hectare, the total length of Neisseria longum stained flea rate average 80.2%, total flea index of 5.7; test various animal serum 5 528 copies, long-tailed rat plague F1 antibody positive serum 2, South Tianshan shepherd positive Serum 1; detected Yersinia pestis 24, all from northern Tianshan plague foci. In the Junggar Basin, desert plague surveillance: 917 mice of various kinds were tested in 6 counties (cities and districts), including 766 large gerbils, and 97 serum samples of F1 were detected. The seroprevalence was 12.7% 1 062 samples of rodent organs, including 684 gerbils, isolated 3 strains of Yersinia pestis from Midong district and Karamay in Urumqi; 10 721 samples of fleas were detected, 2 strains of Yersinia pestis were detected in Midong district of Urumqi; A total of 10 952 fleas were detected, with flea flea count 96.0% and total flea index 15.94. Conclusion In 2015, 12 plagues (cities, districts) in Xinjiang were monitored for the outbreak of plague among wrasses. Six counties (cities and districts) in Wusu, Wenquan, Jinghe, Shawan, Midong and Urumqi in Urumqi There are 10 counties (cities and districts) of Yersinia pestis, Midong District of Urumqi, Karamay City, Jimsar County, Fukang City, Qitai County, Wusu City, Jinghe County, Qinghe County, Atushi City and Taxkorgan County ) Detected sero-antibody-positive sera. In 2015, no-one human plague occurred in Xinjiang. The outbreak of high-intensity epidemic of animal plague in the northern Tianshan Mountain and Junggar Basin was maintained.