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一九六四年第四季度以来,工人日报着手改进报纸工作,经过几个月的努力,使报纸面貌发生了比较显著的变化。这些变化是报社同志贯彻毛主席办报思想,学习兄弟报纸的经验,发挥全体同志革命干劲取得的初步成果。这一时期,工人日报在版面上突出地反映了群众办报的特点。掘统计,报纸上百分之八十的稿件是厂矿基层干部和工人群众写的。编辑部对工人来稿都是优先发表。厂矿黑板报上的材料被放上了一版头条的地位,群众在生产斗爭和阶级斗爭实践中的先进思想通过各种专栏和集纳的形式反映在版面上,如《比学赶帮风格赞》《工人谈节约》《热心给群众办小事》《我们要的是真荣誉》《职工业余活动学习解放军》等栏目相继在版面上出现。工人日报还注意了抓活思 After the fourth quarter of 1964, the Workers’ Daily set out to improve the newspaper work. After months of hard work, the newspaper’s appearance has undergone significant changes. These changes are the initial achievements of the newspaper comrades in carrying out Chairman Mao’s thought of running newspapers and brothers and learning the experiences of brothers and newspapers and in giving full play to the revolutionary efforts of all our comrades. During this period, the workers’ daily newspaper prominently reflected the characteristics of the mass newspaper in the forum. Digging statistics, eighty-eight percent of the manuscripts in the newspapers are written by grass-roots cadres and workers in factories and mines. The editorial staff give priority to the workers’ contributions. The materials of the black-and-white newspaper at factories and mines were placed on the top of the list. The advanced ideas of the masses in the practice of production and class struggle were reflected in the pages through various columns and journals, such as “ ”Workers talking about saving“ ”Enthusiastic to do small things for the masses“ ”What we want is honorary“ ”Staff leisure activities to learn the People’s Liberation Army" and other columns have appeared in the layout. Workers Daily also pay attention to grasp live thinking
显齿蛇葡萄(Ampelopsis grossedentata)系葡萄科蛇葡萄属中的一种野生藤本植物,为粤蛇葡萄的变种[A.Cantoniesis(H.et A.)pl.var.grossedentataHand.-Mazz.]。民间将其幼嫩茎叶经类似茶叶加工的方法制成“保健茶”,既可用于治疗感冒发热、咽喉肿痛、黄疸型肝炎、疱疔等症,又可日常冲泡饮用,清凉解渴,已有很久的使用历史,是典型的药食两用植
In this work, ZnO nanorod arrays grown by an electrochemical deposition method are investigated. The crucial parameters of length, diameter, and density of the