目的:探讨腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤切除术的围手术期护理经验及新的护理进展,有利于减轻护理工作负担,提高护理工作效率,提高患者满意度。【方法】分析我院2013年9月-2014年9月开展腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤切除术护理临床资料共10例,其中子宫全切术8例,阴式子宫切除术2例。【结果】通过术前良好的沟通、教育,术后严密观察生命体征,有效指导康复期活动及饮食等综合护理,结果无1例并发症的发生,全部治愈出院。【结论】腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤切除术对提高手术成功率及改善患者生存质量有着重要意义。“,”Objective To explore the nursing experience of laparoscopic surgery andnursing progress during resection of myoma of uterus,wil help reduce the nursingworkload,improve nursing work ef iciency,improve the satisfaction of patients.[method]analysis of our hospital in 2013 September -2014 year in September to carry out laparoscopic myomectomy clinical nursingdata of 10 cases,including 8 cases of hysterectomy,vaginal hysterectomy in 2 cases.[results]through communication,good education before operation,postoperative close observationof vital signs,ef ectively guide the rehabilitation activities and diet nursing.Results 1 cases without complications,al cured.[Conclusion]laparoscopic uterinemyomectomy to improve the success rate of operation and is of great significance toimprove the quality of life of patients.