
来源 :林业科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czronick
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北票县地处辽宁省西部干旱地区,年均降水量450-500毫米(最低年份仅173.8毫米),降水多集中在夏季。试验所在地——蒙古营公社是该县最干旱的地方,多次造林均因旱情严重而失败。因此,我们认为在干旱地区造林除了做到适地适树、注意造林技术外,关键还在于加强土壤的保水措施,基于这种认识,我们于1983年在蒙古营种子园北山的石质山地阳坡上进行了覆盖地膜的造林试验,在连续4年的旱灾之年取得了较好的造林效果。一、试验材料与方法试验地在北票县城东35公里处,面积2公顷,坡度5°。供试材料为2年生油松苗。试验 Beipiao County is located in arid areas of western Liaoning Province, with an average annual rainfall of 450-500 mm (the lowest is only 173.8 mm) and precipitation is concentrated in the summer. The test site - Mongolian camp is the most arid part of the county, multiple afforestation has failed due to severe drought. Therefore, we think that afforestation in arid areas in addition to being properly adapted to trees, paying attention to afforestation techniques, the key lies in strengthening the soil water conservation measures, based on this understanding, we were in 1983 in Mongolian camp seed orchard Mountain Kitayama Yang The afforestation experiment covering mulch was conducted on the slope, and good afforestation effect has been achieved in the year of consecutive 4 years of drought. First, the test materials and methods Experimental ground in Beipiao County, 35 kilometers east of the city, an area of ​​2 hectares, a gradient of 5 °. The test material for 2-year-old pine seedlings. test