近几年来,一些违法分子在武昌火车站周边搞假发票交易非常猖撅,省市领导十分重视,对此曾作过专门批示,税务和公安部门采取各种方式,严厉打击制售假发票活动,去年通过几次较大规模的查处行动,取得阶段性成效,当时假发票交易基本销声匿迹。然而,最近我们亲眼目睹这个地区的假发票交易活动又死灰复燃,作为报社记者,我们深感有责任应向有关部门反映。 “线人”自曝倒票内幕
In recent years, a number of lawbreakers engaged in fake invoice transactions around Wuchang Railway Station are very rampant, and provincial and municipal leaders attach great importance to this and have made special instructions on this. Taxation and public security departments have taken various measures to crack down on activities of manufacturing and selling fake invoices Last year, several large-scale investigation and handling actions were taken and the phased results were achieved. At that time, the transaction of the fake invoices basically disappeared. Recently, however, we witnessed the resumption of the fake invoice transactions in this area. As a newspaper reporter, we feel it is our responsibility to reflect this to relevant departments. “Informer” exposes the vote insider