“茅檐低小,溪上青青草。醉里吴音相媚好,白发谁家翁媪。”这是宋代词家辛弃疾《清平乐》的上阕。翁媪相依相伴,靡靡传情,就像词牌那样,既清且平,充满诗情画意,是一幅鲜活的“夕阳无限好”画卷! 是的,在文学家的笔下,老年夫妻是婚姻长河的入海口,一碧千里,水波不惊。老两口从火热的社会退下来,回到静谥的家里颐养天年,孩子们长大了离巢而去,家里除了你,就是我,成了剔除了生理屏障的兄妹或年龄悬殊的父女(母子),夫妻像同胞
“Mao Yanzao small, green grass on the river .Zhuyin Wu Yin Xiang Mei, white-haired who Weng 媪.” This is the Song Ci Xin Ci Qiji disease “Qingping Le” Shangli. Weng 媪 dependency accompanied by extravagant love teaser, like the words, as clear and peaceful, full of poetic, is a vivid “sunset infinite good ” picture! Yes, in the writer’s writing, the elderly couple is a marriage The mouth of the sea, a Bi-miles, water is not scared. The old couple retreat from the fiery society, back to the quiet house of their own, the children grew up leaving the nest, the family except you, is me, became the removal of the physical barrier of siblings or father and daughter of disparities in age (Mother and child), couples like siblings