On Meaning Pejoration from Over-Application:Taking the Use of \\"Great Master\\" in Ch

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“Great Master” is traditionally used in Chinese language as a respectable title for a person who has made outstanding achievement in arts or academics,and everyone knows the value conveyed in the title.However,with the title being applied to too many persons there is devaluation in the title.The cases of meaning pejoration are very common and the major cause of meaning pejoration could be traced to the principle of politeness in communication which can easily lead to over-application of higher title. “Great Master ” is traditionally used in Chinese language as a respectable title for a person who has made outstanding achievement in arts or academics, and everyone knows the value conveyed in the title. However, with the title being applied to too many persons there is devaluation in the title. cases of meaning pejoration are very common and the major cause of meaning pejoration could be traced to the principle of politeness in communication which can easily lead to over-application of higher title.
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