肿瘤细胞的侵袭性是确定肿瘤恶性程度的指标之一 ,胎盘羊膜半透明 ,结构简单 ,可用作癌细胞培养的支持物 ,并可观察其向基质浸润程度 ,本文目的是用扫描电镜观察羊膜结构及癌细胞在羊膜侵袭的形态改变。材料与方法新鲜足月胎盘 ,剥离胎儿面羊膜 ,洗净 ,剪成 2 cm直径的圆片 ,放
The invasiveness of tumor cells is one of the indicators for determining the degree of malignancy of the tumor. Placental amniotic membrane is translucent and has a simple structure. It can be used as a support for cancer cell culture and can be observed in the degree of invasion to the matrix. The purpose of this article is to observe the amniotic membrane by scanning electron microscopy. Structural and cancerous cell morphology changes in amniotic invasion. Materials and Methods Fresh term placenta, peel fetal amniotic membrane, wash, cut into 2 cm diameter disc, put